Death and Dying Class
March 25th and April 8th at 6 PM
On Zoom

Rabbi Laurie Rice leads a two-session class exploring Jewish ideas around death and dying. What happens after death? How do we mourn? How is the Jewish funeral different from other religious or secular burials? How do Jews prepare for death? Do we believe in hell? If I don't like my mom, do I have to say Kaddish for her? No question is off the table.

Freedom Song
Thursday, March 27 at 7:15 PM
Gordon JCC

The cast of Freedom Song is not a cast of actors; they are actual addicts in recovery who have broken off the shackles of drugs, alcohol, gambling, and other destructive behaviors. Using song and dance, tears and laughter, and an intense post-show discussion with our cast, Freedom Song will open your eyes to the real-life struggle against the “bondage of self” that we all fight every day.

Critical Conversations
Sunday, March 30
10:00 AM in the sanctuary

Micah is a religious organization, not a political one. Still, many of our members continue to experience a variety of emotions about Israel and our current political environment. We respect them all. As such, Rabbi Flip will be convening a community conversation to hear how you are feeling.

Second Night Passover Seder
Sunday, April 13
6 PM

Spend time with your clergy and community in this family-friendly experience. The deadline to register is Monday, April 7.



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