Guest Musicians Noreen Green and Adam Millstein
Friday, November 1
6 PM
Dr. Green and Adam will join us for our Shabbat Services to present a short program of music by three Jewish composers who were affected by the Holocaust: Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco, who left Italy to make his home in the USA after the fascists banned his music; Wladyslaw Szpilman, the subject of the movie The Pianist – who was also a composer; and George Perlman, whose music was influenced by his Jewish heritage. The program will include a dialogue about the musical works.
The Middle East Post-US Election: Where Do We Go From Here?
Dan Senor in conversation with Professor Tom Schwartz
Thursday, November 14 at 5:30 PM
Central Library Community Room
Dan Senor, best-selling author, foreign policy expert and host of the “Call Me Back” podcast.
Congregation Micah hosts overnight guests for dinner and breakfast one Sunday each month during the winter months (November - March). The goal of our partnership is to "provide safe shelter, warm meals, and fellowship for our neighbors struggling with homelessness during the coldest months of the year."