Make A Donation

Thank you for your support. Your generosity helps support the numerous religious, educational, social and cultural activities at Congregation Micah.

Congregation Micah is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the law.

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On your request, notification of your contribution (without disclosing the amount) will be mailed to the family of a loved one or to the person being honored by your contribution.

Please note that only VISA and MasterCard are currently accepted.


Cantor’s Discretionary Fund
This fund is used to support needy individuals ranging from help with rent or utilities to camp scholarships and congregational activities. Many international and local causes are also supported by this fund.

Cemetery Fund                                                                                                                                          Just as we want to create a loving place for our children to learn and grow, we also want to create a sacred space where we can honor our loved ones who have come before us.  The cemetery fund is the main funding source to support our beautiful park-like cemetery, conveniently located on the Micah campus.  

Cynthia H. and Richard M. Morin Education Fund
This fund is used to support programming and scholarships for youths in our community. It is in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Morin, who were extremely dedicated to and well-loved by the Micah community.

General Fund
By far the most active of Micah’s funds is the GENERAL FUND. This fund helps support the numerous activities of Congregation Micah. All monies given to the General Fund become part of the annual budget and provide the resources in all the programs, expenses and purchases of the congregation.

Memorial Fund
This fund is special because it honors our loved ones who have passed away.  This fund can be in memory of anyone who has passed away and is a way to honor an upcoming yahrzeit.

Music Support
This supports our thriving music program. From new musical equipment to hiring outside musicians, these funds add to what we all love at Micah. Your generosity through these contributions allows Micah to do many things that annual support cannot.

Rabbis’ Discretionary Fund
This fund is used to support needy individuals ranging from help with rent or utilities to camp scholarships and congregational activities. Many international and local causes are also supported by this fund.

Religious School Support
A marvelous way to help the congregation provide for the needs of our Religious School’s students and volunteer teachers. Obvious areas include new media materials, academic enrichment supplies, books, computers, etc. All donations to the religious school help Micah support the subsidized school programming.

Social Action Support
Assists Congregation Micah's Social Action and Social Justice initiatives within Middle Tennessee and beyond.

Micah Speakers Fund                                                                                                                                  Generously started by Ron and Faith Haber Galbraith, donations to this fund help bring dynamic speakers and local scholars for continued Adult Education. Covering honorariums for educators, your continued support allows us to continue to offer a diverse and compelling array of educational programming. A percentage of the initial donation will be set aside each year to maintain its balance. With your help, at the end of 4 years the fund will be guaranteed to replenish itself - even if all the funds each year have been allocated. 

If you have any questions about these funds, please contact us at the Congregation Micah office (615-377-9799). 

Volunteer Opportunities

“It is not what one says but rather what one does
that makes all the difference in the world.”
— Pirkei Avot 1:17

Repairing the World...One Mitzvah at a Time

Tikkun Olam, the healing and repairing of the world, is a primary mission of the Jewish people. It is a communal obligation. The mission of Tikkun Olam at Micah is to fully engage the membership of our synagogue in the sacred work of repairing our world through the performance of ma'asim tovim (good deeds) for our members, our community, and the world-at-large.

At Micah we are a family of families. As such, we believe it is important to help one another in times of hardship. To that end our primary focus is on helping congregants by providing support when necessary. No matter how much or little time you have available, we'd love to have your help. If you would like to join our wide-reaching group of volunteers by making a difference in the lives of members in need or if you are in need of services or know of someone who could use a helping hand.  

Our office also needs help from time to time. If you are willing to help out, please add your name to our call list by contacting us at

For other specifics about volunteering and other Social Action opportunities, please see the Social Action page of our website by clicking here.