As a member of Congregation Micah you support our community in a variety of ways, but have you thought to include us in your will or estate plan? By leaving a legacy, you can assure that the connection you feel for the Jewish community and our congregation will exist for future generations. Even if you wish for your gift to remain anonymous, please consider participating in our Life & Legacy program.
A Promise for the future
Your participation in the community-wide LIFE & LEGACY program does not require a cash donation today. It is simply a promise for the future. A legacy commitment will enable you to:
· Convey your commitment to being Jewish and the role Congregation Micah plays in your life
· Set an example for your family and community
· Impact Congregation Micah in the future in a way you may not be able to do today
· Preserve the special qualities of the Congregation Micah community
· Perpetuate the Jewish traditions you cherish
· Express beliefs instilled in you by your parents and grandparents
All of us, regardless of age or wealth, have the ability to leave a legacy. Your legacy gift of any size can be customized and structured to fit your family’s needs, your financial situation, your dreams and your lifestyle. You can choose to provide general support for the community or to designate your legacy for a particular area of interest.
The simplest methods of leaving a legacy are through a will or estate plan or by adding or changing a beneficiary designation on a retirement fund or life insurance policy. Your legacy commitment can be a percentage or a specific dollar amount.
We invite you to leave a legacy for the future generations of Congregation Micah.
If you have already included a legacy gift to Congregation Micah in your will or estate plans or if you are just thinking about including Micah in your legacy plans and would like to learn more, please contact Micah at
“The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.”
Life & Legacy Partners
Stephen Abelman & Robin Holab-Abelman
Richard & Patricia Abelson
Richard Barnett
Howard Baum and Joy Allington-Baum
Merle Born
Jeffrey & Donna Caplan
Marjean Coddon & Henry Johs
Victoria Cohen-Crumpton
Michael & Mindy Drongowski
Richard Eskind
Suriva Fischer
Julie Fortune & Tony Jackson
Lawrence B. Fuldauer
Ron Galbraith & Faith Haber Galbraith
Julie & Clay Greenberg
Daniel & Karen Grossman
Heidi & John Hassenfeld
Lynn & Ron Heady
Reva & Eugene(z’l) Heller
Larry & Carol Hyatt
Rabbi Kenneth A. Kanter
Jeffrey & Brenda Karp
Pam & Shaul Kelner
Leslie Kirby & Craig Smith
Jeremy and Diana Landa
Aaron & Celia Lerch
Michael & Sherrie Levine
Bennet & Dani Lieberman
Martin & Ann Light
Mitchell & Heather Light
Josh & Rena Malkovsky-Berger
Andy May & Nancy Brown
Monica McCready
Warren Melamed
Scott & Anna-Gene O’Neal
Edria & David Ragosin
Rabbis Laurie & Philip “Flip” Rice
Thomas & Audrey Rice
Bruce C. & Kay Robins
Van Robins
Andy & Laura Saul
Leah & James Sohr
Richard & Adele Stein
Hope S. Stringer
Christie & Titus Wiemers
Rebekah Zeitlin
David Zolensky & Arleen Tuchman
Robert Smith & Barbara Ramsey
Teri & A.G. Kasselberg
And other generous anonymous donors